· March, 2013

Stories about Chinese from March, 2013

Censoring Censorship in China

  29 March 2013

The above screen capture of a local news brief has gone viral on Chinese social media yesterday. It said: “Recently Myanmar has unblocked Facebook, the world's most popular social media...

China's Social Web Fawns Over First Lady

  29 March 2013

China's fashionable first lady Peng Liyuan has not only made the front cover of newspapers home and abroad, but also has attracted a hardcore following on popular Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo.

Despite Bans, China's Uyghurs Wear their Identity with Pride

  27 March 2013

A viral photo showing Uyghur students being punished for wearing Muslims caps in Xinjiang's Urumqi city has been labelled by the authorities as a "rumor" and a "plot" by "outside forces." But many Uyghurs wonder when the government will show some respect for their culture.

Xi Jinping's ‘Shoe’ Metaphor Lights Up Web

  26 March 2013

While discussing the paths that nations take towards development in a speech delivered at Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Chinese president Xi Jinping said, “Only the wearer knows if...

China's Red Army Returns Online and Hunts Students

  25 March 2013

In China's Southern Guangdong province, a local University has been monitoring student conversation online and controlling their negative sentiment for the last 3 years.The news triggered outrage online; many think the university has violated student privacy and demanded a stop to the system.

The Return of China's First Lady

  24 March 2013

Reversing a streak decades long of low-profile presidential wives, Chinese first lady Peng Liyuan accompanied her husband, new President Xi Jinping, to Russia on his first foreign tour, marking a return of the role to the political spotlight.

Today's Tibet, Tomorrow's Hong Kong?

  19 March 2013

An activist network in Hong Kong organized an assembly to express their solidarity with Tibetans on the 54th Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day last Sunday March 10, 2013. Some participants who joined the meeting believed that Hong Kong people should learn from Tibet and avoid the history from recurring in Hong Kong.

China Pollution – Blame it on the World

  19 March 2013

A Chinese politician has blamed foreign countries’ consumption of China's exports for the environmental problems the country is facing. The Director of the Anhui Provincial Environmental Protection Authority accused foreigners...

Skip the Cigarettes, Breathe in Beijing's Air

  13 March 2013

The former head of Google China and influential Micro-blogger Kai-Fu Lee posted[zh] to his 32 million fans on Sina Weibo an imaginary conversation between a Beijinger and a Shanghainese: Beijinger:...

Thousands of Dead Pigs Found Floating in Shanghai River

  12 March 2013

Thousands of dead pigs have been found floating in the Huangpu River, which flows through the middle of Shanghai. While the local authorities asserted that the dead pigs have not polluted the city's water supply, people are skeptical of these claims.

About our Chinese coverage

Oiwan Lam
Oi wan Lam is the North East Asia editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.