Stories about LANGUAGES from May, 2010
Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia make Eurovision Top Ten
This year's Eurovision Song Contest drew to a close on a Saturday in a televised final which attracted around 125 million viewers worldwide. But while some media reported lagging interest in the 54-year-old competition and concerns about spiraling costs, countries such as Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia continue to take it very seriously indeed.
Japan: My Eyes Tokyo
Isao Tokuhashi at My Eyes Tokyo interviews foreigners living in Tokyo. The latest interview, the 32nd in the series, is Robert Koch, an audio products manufacturer from Pietermaritzburg in South...
Peru: The Return of the Indigenous Leader Alberto Pizango
After more than 11 months in exile in Nicaragua following the events and conflicts in the region of Bagua, indigenous leader Alberto Pizango returned to Peru on May 26, sparking different responses from Twitter users and bloggers supporting or criticizing him.
Azerbaijan: Animal rights
Thoughts. Dreams. Visions. Nightmares. Me. reports on an action staged in support of animal rights in Azerbaijan. The blog says that the event held close to Baku's Zoo was a...
Pakistan: The Lesson In The Facebook Ban
Following the lifting of the ban on Facebook by Lahore High-court, Adil Najam at All Things Pakistan questions: “So, what is the lesson in all of this? Who gained what...
Guatemala: State of Emergency Due to Tropical Storm Agatha
Guatemala is in a state of emergency. In addition to the active Pacaya volcano that has caused evacuations and damages, Tropical Storm Agatha has hit the country, causing many disappearances and deaths in the poorest regions.
Sri Lanka: Where To Put Your Trash
Iromi Perera at Groundviews writes about the garbage problem in Sri Lanka and comments: “dumping your trash in front of another person’s house seems to be the common and recommended...
Sri Lanka: Buying A Condom In Colombo
London, Lanka And drums quotes a friend who shares his experience in Colombo: “to the average man buying condoms is a total nightmare.”
Russia: Photos and Live Tweets of the Dispersal of the “Day of Dissent”
Bloggers nl [RUS], zyalt [RUS], Igor Podgorny [RUS] post pictures of the dispersal of today's “Day of Dissent” that is conducted on the 31st day of the month in order...
Africa: Poor African parents and their choices
The debate about poor African parents and their choices continues.
Why Invest In Bangladesh?
Why invest in Bangladesh? Because “Bangladesh is a winning combination with its competitive market, business-friendly environment and cost structure that can give you the best returns,” comments
Nigeria: Cast your vote in the 2010 Nigerian Blog Awards!
It's time again for the Nigerian Blog Awards! Starting Monday, voters can cast their ballot for the best blog in over 30 categories, ranging from “Best Fashion Blog” to “Most Controversial Blog” to "Best Student Blog" and more.
Nigeria: Oil spills have taken place for past 50 years
Sokari points out that oil spills have been taking place in Nigeria for the past 50 years.
China: lost in translation
The machine translation of Chinese character into English can be really hilarious. PH from veggie discourse has a few examples.
China: Responses to FoxConn's suicides
SACOM have several updates on reactions and responses to FoxConn workers’ consecutive suicides, including 1. Appeal by Sociologists on FoxConn suicides, 2. Global Day of Remembrance for Victims of Foxconn,...
Japan: Those Commonplace, Vinyl Umbrellas
How "temporary" vinyl umbrellas fare in the cities of Japan.
MENA: Rage after Israel Attacks Gaza-bound Flotilla
Emotions are running high across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), after Israel attacked a peaceful flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to besieged Gaza - and the Twittersphere is ablaze. Also, are tweets commenting on the situation being censored?
Japan: Okinawans vent frustration over Futenma
Japanese PM Yukio Hatoyama has backtracked on promises to reduce the presence of American military forces in Okinawa, and inhabitants of the prefecture are furious. In blogs, they express their disappointment and rage against the failed Japan-U.S. negotiations.
Russia: Journalist's Blog Hacked
Both LiveJournal (sina-ja-mina) and Facebook accounts of Andrei Maltsev [RUS], journalist and blogger, were hacked on May 31, Vladimir Pribylovski reported [RUS]. This is the fourth blog hack this year...
Russia: Blogger Describes His Experience With E-Gov Portal
Alexey Grigoriev blogs [RUS] about his experience of starting a small business at e-government portal The portal is still full of technical bugs and even after online application one...
Lebanon: Evil challenges against techy women
Lebanese blogger and geek Mir talks about six “evil” challenges women in the IT world face in her latest post.