Stories about LANGUAGES from November, 2009
Pakistan: Reduce The Size Of The Cabinet
Pakistani blog My Distinguished Sense supports the recent proposal of reducing the bulky cabinet of Pakistan explaining the reasons.
Sri Lanka: Future Of Freedom And Democracy
Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe at Groundviews discusses the fate of the internally detained persons and the future of freedom and democracy in Sri Lanka.
India: Corruption Is The Hindrance
“India needs to be made free of corruption before it can become developed. But the entire existing Indian governance ecosystem will prevent this from happening,” opines Rajesh Jain at Emergic.
Egypt: Spotlight on Zabbaleen
Regine, at we make money not art, introduces us to photographs by Bas Princen of Cairo's Mokattam Ridge or Garbage City (Zabbaleen) – where a community of mainly Coptic Christians...
Saudi Arabia: Raed on Air
Saudi blogger Raed, who blogs at Falsafat, posts a chat with his nephew Khalid [Ar] as his debut vlog at Raed On Air.
Lebanon: Bulldozing Ancient Ruins in Beirut
Lebanese Blogger finkployd at Blogging Beirut posted photos of a bulldozer clearing ancient ruins facing Martyr Square in Downtown Beirut to make way for another building.
Trinidad & Tobago: Right the Wrongs
Now Is Wow Too says the Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister's position on gay rights “leaves much to be desired”.
St. Vincent & the Grenadines: Gender Violence
Discuss SVG “question[s] the foundation” of violence against women in Caribbean societies.
Caribbean: Barath Shines
West Indian bloggers wax poetic about the amazing test century by cricketer Adrian Barath.
Dominica: Those Politicians
Dominina Weekly shares its thoughts on regional politicians.
Trinidad & Tobago: Numb from CHOGM
This Beach Called Life features a press ad that was taken out by “a group who knows Trinidad and Tobago better than any foreign or local politician”, adding in a...
Bangladesh: Spreading the Warmth
Bangladeshi blogger Sadiq Alam, who blogs at Inspirations and Creative Thoughts, has taken an initiative called ‘Spreading the Warmth‘. The goal is to distribute winter clothes for those who live...
USA: Thanksgiving, a Celebration of Genocide?
On Livejournal, Christopher Bradley in the USA explains why he hates Thanksgiving. “I don't think there's any need to have holidays with the specter of genocide over them,” he says.
USA: Historical Truth of Thanksgiving
“To European-Americans this holiday is laced with fanciful symbolism and metaphorical memories about that great feast between Pilgrims and Indians. But the historical truth often goes untold and unheard,” writes...
Peru: Cow Parade arrives to Lima
Parks and public spaces in Lima have been invaded by life-size cow sculptures, as the Cow Parade arrives to show 80 different works aiming to collect funds for several organizations.
Barbados: 43rd Anniversary of Independence
Today, the 43rd anniversary of Barbados’ independence, has bloggers talking about what the occasion means.
Saudi Arabia: Citizens’ Fury At Flood Deaths
Saudi Arabia's second largest city, Jeddah, was struck by heavy floods last week, and the death toll has risen to more than 100 people. Poor infrastructure and mismanagement of city works construction have been blamed, and thousands have joined a Facebook group criticising the authorities.
Singapore: Is It a City or Country?
Is Singapore a city or a country? This question seems silly since Singapore is globally recognized as an independent state. But for Singapore Law Minister K. Shanmugam, Singapore should be treated as a city. This remark triggered a debate in the blogosphere.
Video: Worldwide youth express themselves in 60 seconds
The OneMinutesJr project gives young people between 12 and 20 years of age from many corners of the globe the opportunity to express themselves across borders, languages and distances through 60 second videos.
Thailand: Former Prime Minister Passes Away
Samak Sundaravej — former Bangkok Governor, cooking show host, and Thailand's 25th Prime Minister passed away last November 24. Read the reactions from Bangkok bloggers and twitterers.
Russia: Thousands Protest Against Trading Center Construction
On November 29, thousands of people in Moscow went out on the streets to protest against the construction of a new trading center. This center would replace the “Cherkizovski” market...