· November, 2009

Stories about LANGUAGES from November, 2009

India: Corruption Is The Hindrance

  30 November 2009

“India needs to be made free of corruption before it can become developed. But the entire existing Indian governance ecosystem will prevent this from happening,” opines Rajesh Jain at Emergic.

Trinidad & Tobago: Numb from CHOGM

  30 November 2009

This Beach Called Life features a press ad that was taken out by “a group who knows Trinidad and Tobago better than any foreign or local politician”, adding in a...

Bangladesh: Spreading the Warmth

  30 November 2009

Bangladeshi blogger Sadiq Alam, who blogs at Inspirations and Creative Thoughts, has taken an initiative called ‘Spreading the Warmth‘. The goal is to distribute winter clothes for those who live...

USA: Historical Truth of Thanksgiving

  30 November 2009

“To European-Americans this holiday is laced with fanciful symbolism and metaphorical memories about that great feast between Pilgrims and Indians. But the historical truth often goes untold and unheard,” writes...

Peru: Cow Parade arrives to Lima

  30 November 2009

Parks and public spaces in Lima have been invaded by life-size cow sculptures, as the Cow Parade arrives to show 80 different works aiming to collect funds for several organizations.

Saudi Arabia: Citizens’ Fury At Flood Deaths

  30 November 2009

Saudi Arabia's second largest city, Jeddah, was struck by heavy floods last week, and the death toll has risen to more than 100 people. Poor infrastructure and mismanagement of city works construction have been blamed, and thousands have joined a Facebook group criticising the authorities.

Singapore: Is It a City or Country?

  30 November 2009

Is Singapore a city or a country? This question seems silly since Singapore is globally recognized as an independent state. But for Singapore Law Minister K. Shanmugam, Singapore should be treated as a city. This remark triggered a debate in the blogosphere.