· March, 2009

Stories about LANGUAGES from March, 2009

Cambodia: Evidence at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal

  31 March 2009

Former Khmer Rouge rebels doubt there will be sufficient evidence to convict the five leaders waiting to stand trial at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Because the events occurred 30 years ago, evidence and witnesses could be hard to come by.

Nepal: A Prince Speaks

  31 March 2009

United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal reports that the hot topic of Nepal is now the interview by ex-Crown Prince Paras Bikram Shah on the royal massacre in 2001.

Haiti, U.S.A.: Immigration Reform

  31 March 2009

Haiti's jmc strategies is very interested in U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden's statements on immigration reform: “Biden did not specifically say that the Administration was backing away from a legalization program....

International Opinions On India

  31 March 2009

The Acorn analyzes an opinion poll on international opinions on India and asks “why do Europeans take a dim view of India’s international role?”

Cuba, Trinidad & Tobago: At the Summit

  31 March 2009

“It seems far-fetched to think that the summit’s news coverage would be dominated by the one country in the region that is absent from the event” – but The Cuban...

Puerto Rico: Murder Rate

  31 March 2009

“We. Don't. Give. A. Damn. Because it isn't really ‘Us’ getting killed, it's ‘them.’ We don't see the obvious. There is no ‘them’ on an island. There's only Us”: Puerto...

Jamaica, Suriname: Creative Connections

  31 March 2009

“This is why it's important for collaborations to take place in every sphere–in different parts of the Caribbean and elsewhere. For cultural criticism is partly detective work and you can't...

Palestine: Land Day

  31 March 2009

body on the line’s Palestine-based author writes about her experience with Land Day. The blogger visited towns in which Palestinians have resisted as well as the towns and villages of...

Indian Elections 2009: The Impact of Socially Conscious Corporate Campaigns

  31 March 2009

In my previous posts for the Global Voices special coverage on the 2009 Indian general elections, I have analyzed how Indian politicians and political parties are using internet and mobile tools for election campaigning and civil society groups in India are using digital tools to run voter registration and transparency campaigns. In this post, I'll analyze the impact of three election-related socially conscious ad campaigns: Jaago Re by Tata Tea, My Idea by Idea Cellular and Lead India/ Bleed India by The Times of India.