Stories about LANGUAGES from March, 2009
Ukraine: Yushchenko's Constitution Proposal
Kyiv Scoop and What's Up, Ukraine? comment on the constitutional changes proposed by president Victor Yushchenko.
Russia: Igor Sechin in WSJ
Streetwise Professor and Robert Amsterdam's Blog comment on a WSJ piece based on an interview with Russia's deputy prime minister Igor Sechin.
Russia: The Durnovo Memorandum
A Fistful of Euros writes about a document known as the Durnovo Memorandum: “What’s striking about the memo is how, six months before World War One started, [Pyotr Durnovo] absolutely...
Sri Lanka: Multiple Satellite Dishes In Telecenters
LIRNEasia explains why many tele-centers in Sri Lanka are equipped with multiple dishes.
Cambodia: Evidence at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal
Former Khmer Rouge rebels doubt there will be sufficient evidence to convict the five leaders waiting to stand trial at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Because the events occurred 30 years ago, evidence and witnesses could be hard to come by.
Nepal: A Prince Speaks
United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal reports that the hot topic of Nepal is now the interview by ex-Crown Prince Paras Bikram Shah on the royal massacre in 2001.
Cuba: Open Mic Night
Cubans Generation Y and Octavo Cerco blog about “an unforgettable night” in front of open microphones.
Pakistan: Tehreek-e-Taliban Claimed Responsibility
CHUP! – Changing Up Pakistan reports that “Beitullah Mehsud, the head of the Tehreek-e-Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack on the Manawan police academy in Punjab province, which killed at...
Haiti, U.S.A.: Immigration Reform
Haiti's jmc strategies is very interested in U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden's statements on immigration reform: “Biden did not specifically say that the Administration was backing away from a legalization program....
International Opinions On India
The Acorn analyzes an opinion poll on international opinions on India and asks “why do Europeans take a dim view of India’s international role?”
Cuba, Trinidad & Tobago: At the Summit
“It seems far-fetched to think that the summit’s news coverage would be dominated by the one country in the region that is absent from the event” – but The Cuban...
Puerto Rico: Murder Rate
“We. Don't. Give. A. Damn. Because it isn't really ‘Us’ getting killed, it's ‘them.’ We don't see the obvious. There is no ‘them’ on an island. There's only Us”: Puerto...
Trinidad & Tobago: Dinner Mints
This Beach Called Life thinks that dinner mints are part of Trinidad and Tobago's identity.
Jamaica, Suriname: Creative Connections
“This is why it's important for collaborations to take place in every sphere–in different parts of the Caribbean and elsewhere. For cultural criticism is partly detective work and you can't...
Palestine: Land Day
body on the line’s Palestine-based author writes about her experience with Land Day. The blogger visited towns in which Palestinians have resisted as well as the towns and villages of...
Indian Elections 2009: The Impact of Socially Conscious Corporate Campaigns
In my previous posts for the Global Voices special coverage on the 2009 Indian general elections, I have analyzed how Indian politicians and political parties are using internet and mobile tools for election campaigning and civil society groups in India are using digital tools to run voter registration and transparency campaigns. In this post, I'll analyze the impact of three election-related socially conscious ad campaigns: Jaago Re by Tata Tea, My Idea by Idea Cellular and Lead India/ Bleed India by The Times of India.
Guyana: The Legacy of Janet Jagan
Guyanese bloggers react to the death of Janet Jagan, the country's first female president.
Israel/Palestine: Photos from Both Sides
American blogger Cory Driver of 32n5w, who as a Peace Corps Volunteer became an honorary member of the Moroccan blogosphere, has posted a series of photos from a recent observation...
Azerbaijan: Farida’s mushroom appetizer
Learning to Walk in Stilettos waxes lyrically about a recipe for an appetizer available on Farida's Azerbaijani Cookbook — Mushrooms Stuffed with Eggplant, Walnuts and Fresh Herbs.
Azerbaijan: Like a virgin (reprise)
Following on from earlier posts on the matter of virginity in Armenia, Scary Azeri in Suburbs recounts the situation in Azerbaijan. The blog concludes that medical techniques to restore a...
Syria: American Language Centre Re-Opens
Syria News Wire reports that the American Language Centre in Damascus, which closed last year after a US attack on Syrian soil, is set to re-open.